DDSEP Plus is a Software as a Service (SaaS) product that offers subscribers ongoing refinements, content updates, and added functionality.

reviewed and updated on a regular
basis, meaning DDSEP Plus content is
always fresh and always up to date.

you to study and practice for either ABIM’s
initial board exam, the traditional MOC 10-
year exam, or the new Longitudinal
Knowledge Assessment (LKA).

easily explore DDSEP Plus’s extensive
knowledge base.

referenced sources allow you to
further explore GI topics of interest.

Expanded learner dashboards provide detailed and at-a-glance overview of chapter progress, exam performance and credit status.

The addition of automatic tracking and recording of subscriber CME and MOC credits with the ability to earn up to 225 CME and MOC credits.

Bookmark and add notes to individual questions as well as provide feedback to DDSEP Plus editors and authors.

DDSEP Plus is a Software as a Service (SaaS) product that offers subscribers ongoing refinements, content updates, and added functionality.

reviewed and updated on a regular
basis, meaning DDSEP Plus content is
always fresh and always up to date.

you to study and practice for either ABIM’s
initial board exam, the traditional MOC 10-
year exam, or the new Longitudinal
Knowledge Assessment (LKA).

referenced sources allow you to
further explore GI topics of interest.

easily explore DDSEP Plus’s extensive
knowledge base.

referenced sources allow you to
further explore GI topics of interest.

Bookmark and add notes to individual questions as well as provide feedback to DDSEP Plus editors and authors.

An expanded learner dashboard provides
detailed and at-a glance overview of progress made in chapter review and Mock, LKA and practice exams.